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Our senior leadership team comes from a range of background
to support the challenges today's organization face.

Compliance Management

Compliance management is a challenging task for any organization or for a start-up business considering the high potential penalty cost associated with the consequences of failing to comply with statutory laws, regulations and standards set by governing bodies.

To avoid such problems, compliance outsourcing is an ideal solution for businesses which in turn can help organizations to continue focus on the core competencies of business functions.

Cloudserv offers a wide range of statutory compliance management services to help organizations deal with such challenges. Through our services, we always stride forward to minimize the risk associated with non-compliance.

  • Services Offered:
  • Statutory Payroll Compliance Management
  • Shop and Establishment Compliance Management

Key Activities

Statutory Payroll Compliance Management

Employee Provident Fund Act, 1952

  • End-to-End process like PF UAN activation process, Monthly Remittance and Data updating & other related activities

Profession Tax Act, 1975

  • Preparation of Challan for Periodical Remittances.

Employee State Insurance Corporation Act, 1948

  • Generating TIC numbers, Creating ESI Challan, Annual return submission on line etc.

Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953

  • Periodical Remittances, Half yearly Return cum Challans.
Shop & Establishment Compliance Management

Display of Notices & Abstracts under various Acts such as:

  • Shops & Establishments Act.
  • The Payment of Wages Act.
  • The Minimum Wages Act.
  • The Maternity Benefit Act etc.

Maintaining relevant registers related to Establishment compliance (As per state provision) such as:

  • Register of Muster cum Wages, Leave, fines, Damage, Advances, Overtime etc.

Collating information, prepare and file Returns under the following Acts:

  • End-to-End process like PF UAN activation process, Monthly Remittance and Data updating & other related activities
  • Annual Returns under Minimum Wages Act 1936
  • Annual Returns under Shops & Establishments Act
  • Annual Returns under Maternity Benefit Act 1961
  • Annual Returns under Payment of Bonus Act 1965.
  • Annual Returns under Holidays Act
  • Quarterly Returns under Employment Exchange Act 1959
  • Annual Returns under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal)
  • Annual Returns under the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act